Call Us – 207-313-3797


According to the AARP nearly 90% of older adults want to age in place and maintain their independence.

The problem is that 85% of older adults have done nothing to prepare their homes for aging!

Falls are the leading cause of death from injury among people 65 and older, so, if your are interested in aging in place, we want your home to be safe! One-fourth of seniors who fracture a hip from a fall will die within six months of the injury. These are very frightening statistics.

The good news is that up to 50% of home accidents among seniors can be prevented by proper home modifications and repairs.

We know most people would prefer to remain in their home for as long as they are able. Home is what they know and where family memories have been made. But the little things that weren’t a problem when they were younger can become risks as people age. Our Specialists can assess your home’s safety, and then perform the necessary modifications to make the home environment safe for aging in place. We want seniors who stay in their home to be safe in their homes!

Some of the areas of assessment include:

  • Home Modifications (grab bars, slip guards, better lighting)
  • Fall Prevention (clearing pathways, eliminating slip and fall hazards)
  • Fire Prevention (smoke alarms, kitchen safety, escape plans)
  • Medical Alert Call Buttons & Devices

Please see our Home Safety Assessment information to schedule a safety consultation with us.

Call us for a complimentary consultation to assess your needs 207-313-3797